Yesterday I managed to get out with the camera for a little while, something which has taken a back seat over recent weeks. Despite the fact that throughout my life, I have seen more sunrises than I have missed, they still impress me. Yesterday was just such a day. I took about 30 photographs but here are just a couple.
Well those of you that know us personally or follow "The Vagabond Trail " will know that Pat, my wife, makes costume jewellery. For years I have been asked on an almost daily basis "What do you think of this?" or, "Do you think this stone goes with that?". Etc. etc. Well now the time has come for me to take some revenge. I like to keep my brain and hands busy too, so as a result I have many hobbies. Being recently inspired by my friend Sandy's unusual wrist cuff I decided to have a go at making something different for myself. So, the other dark evening, whilst being bored to tears with the TV, I sat with a sketch pad and pencil and doodled for a couple of hours. This was the first design that I came up with. It is made from copper,
brass and silver plated wire, then mounted on a thick leather cuff. "Hey Pat, what do you think of this?" I said. Well, she was full of praise so I decided to have another go. I already had an idea but I needed some old coins, I knew where to get some, so off I went on a mission. Armed with the necessary bits and pieces I turned out number two.
I am sorry that the image is a little blurred but it is not meant for a photography competition. "What do you think of this one then, Pat" I asked. Once again, she kindly made more positive remarks. Of course, I didn't need any more encouragement to have another go so here is another one.