I thought that everyone would be sick to death of the snow, frost and ice by now, so no stories about that, anyway, some of you didn't believe the last entry I made; can't think why. I have been keen to go fishing, however, I've had difficulty mustering the courage to break the ice at the edges of the river. So, I have spent hours on the Internet aimlessly mooching, suffering daytime TV (not that it is any worse than evening viewing) and keeping on top of daily chores. I have made a few more leather items, the one on the right being being the latest. It is entirely hand made and lined with very soft glove leather. For a mid afternoon snack today, we roasted a few chestnuts and sat munching them whilst watching the birds on the feeders. So there you are, all very ordinary I'm afraid, but perhaps given the recent weather that isn't such a bad thing.
What's happening Jan 2025
16 hours ago
Nice blog and lovely photos. got you from motorhome fun